Make a sentence with the word slot

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How to use coin slot in a sentence -

How to use time slot in a sentence - WordHippo As this second run now has a postwatershed time slot, you can expect more steaminess amid the swashbuckling.: Sentence weight is adjusted by local high frequency words in each time slot and global high frequency words from all topic sentences. Sentence for knot | Use knot in a sentence A sentence for the word knot. English majors, spelling bee organizers, and readers may enjoy the contents of this post. The lines of text below use knot in a sentence, and provide visitors a sentence for knot.

Although input to a custom slot type is weighted towards the values in the ... A variety of sentence lengths and word lengths is essential to get a ...

Time Slot Synonyms & Antonyms | I think in the time slot we're in, we have a carte blanche in a way to make a looser show and for it to feel like a more fun environment. Anne Bowen: In a perfect world he would move his show to a time slot where there are no other designers showing and let us have our show when we planned it on the 16th at noon but I don’t see him doing that. Advanced English Grammar Flashcards | Quizlet A sentence that expresses excitement or emotion. It may include a shift in the word order of a basic sentence that focuses on a complement: "What a beautiful day we're having!" It is characterized by heightened pitch and stress and is usually punctuated with an exclamation point.

The subjective case form of pronouns is used when pronouns occur as grammatical subject of a sentence, and oblique forms are used for all non-subjective occurrences including accusative, dative, predicative, comparative and other types of …

Time slot - definition of time slot by The Free Dictionary Define time slot. time slot synonyms, time slot pronunciation, time slot translation, English dictionary definition of time slot. Period of time during which certain activities are governed by specific regulations. Noun 1. time slot - a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; "the TV... Slot - definition of slot by The Free Dictionary slot 1 (slŏt) n. 1. A narrow opening; a groove or slit: a slot for coins in a vending machine; a mail slot. 2. A gap between a main and auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing. 3. a. An assigned place in a sequence or schedule: a new time slot for a TV program. b. A position of employment in English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Any"

What does SLOT mean? - Definitions for SLOT

Use slot in a sentence | slot sentence examples How to use slot in a sentence. Example sentences with the word slot. slot example sentences.

Sentence Patterns | University of Houston-Victoria

A Very Fun and Effective Way to Make a Word Search! ( Very Easy): Hello Every one! This is my first Instructable so please leave comments and advice! Thanks! The word search, a very fun way to entertain yourself, I've thought of typing out …